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Obo Robo Hi Rebound Legguards


The underlying rationale for the new OBO Hi Rebound Legguards stems from emerging trends in field hockey. These hi rebound legguards are wide than the hi control legguards meaning you are already protecting more of the goal. 

Many leading keepers now want to stay closer to their goal box, stay on their feet for more of the time and be very agile so that they can react quickly to changes in attack.

They also desire to have plenty of rebound, stiff wings that rebound the ball on penalty corners rather than bend and allow the ball to slip through and a face that offers an exceptionally wide presentation.

Increasingly... they want to be able to accurately steer the ball toward the side lines, away from the goal. Modern goalkeepers, when they need to slide... want to slide freely and to be able to return quickly and easily to their feet. If this is your style of goalkeeping then the hi rebound legguards are what you need!

 Size Guide Medium Large
Your Height 157-173cm 173+cm
Product Length (Top of guard to top of kicker cutout) 52cm 58.5cm
Product Width 27.5cm 27.5cm